Sunday, September 13, 2009

Feral Cats Get Help from Steve Wozniak

An article on, Feral Cats.

"This problem is ours. Sometimes you read stories about people complaining about stray cats. Or, when reading blogs or comments on blogs, you notice people making derogatory remarks about stray cats and how they spread disease and upset the neighborhood etc. There is no point moaning about feral cats as if we are blaming the cats for the problem. The problem is ours..."

"Steve Wozniak (Apple founder with Steve Jobs) has teamed up with Humane Society Silicon Valley (HSSV) to heighten awareness of the this problem in the Santa Clara county. He did this by presenting a video now on YouTube. It's very good..." 3:21 video on YouTube

Steve Wozniak and HSSV -Cats Without a Home